PIBBLE2.0 is coming soon!!! Supporters Recruitment Event Announcement

PIBBLE_AI content Hub
1 min readMay 8, 2023


🔴 Pibble 2.0 is coming soon!!! We’re looking for supporters!

❓Pibble 2.0

PIBBLE 2.0 is being designed as an AI content hub to expand content types to include text, video, and audio, and to utilize AI technology to provide enhanced creative protection for all content types, including AI-generated output.

Event Participation Google Form : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YE9_zxikYBsod5QqSqHihMh-mcsGsalZJxwALYEVuxA/edit?pli=1

1️⃣ May 3 ~ May 31, 2020

2️⃣ Recruitment date for supporters: ~May 9th [Selected applicants will be contacted individually].

3️⃣ Differential payment according to activity

4️⃣ Content King, Rumor King, and Invitation King can apply for multiple awards.

❤️Supporters Recruitment Area [Total 5,000,000 PIB]

🟠Content creators using PIBL 2.0

🟠Viral King

🟠Invite King

🍀Supporters Activities

<Content King>

🟠Create free content using Pebble AI and upload it to communication channels

- Blog, personal SNS, YouTube, etc.

<Rumor King>

🟠Spread the word about Pebble 2.0 to various communities

- The more qualitative posts + URLs, the higher the score!

<Invite King>

🟠Invite many friends to the official PIBBLE chat room.(https://t.me/pibble_official_community)


🟠1st place content creator 200,000 PIB

🟠Rumor King 1st place 150,000 PIB

🟠Invite King 1st place 200,000 PIB

🟠Lucky Heroine up to 30,000 PIB

  • We are looking for beta testers for Android users (iOS will follow)
  • Please set the same email address as the one you use to sign up for the PIBL app.
  1. PIBBLE Telegram

: https://t.me/pibble_official_community

2. [PIBBLE] Official_Announcement
- https://t.me/pibble_official



PIBBLE_AI content Hub

PIBBLE 2.0, the hub of AI, will be created where you can first experience all AIs that are commercialized.