Klay Swap’s KLAY-PIB fair deposit has ranked number one
Mar 8, 2022
Hi, everyone
Thanks to vKSP holders’ support and vote, Klay Swap’s KLAY-PIB fair deposit has ranked number one in the overall liquidity pool and the rate of return based on KSP exceeded 60%.
If you deposit it in the KLAY-PIB pair, you can recieve KSP and BOUML coins as interest.
Thank you for your continued support! Pibble would continue to strive for the success of Bomul-planet project and PLAYMETA ecosystem.
[ Link ]
Klay Swap’s KLAY-PIB fair : https://klayswap.com/exchange/pool/detail/0x2ecdf3088488a8e91c332b9ee86bb87d4e9cce82