3 Ways to Get $BOMUL Coins for Free

PIBBLE_AI content Hub
2 min readMar 9, 2022


Welcome to BomulPlanet, an innovative P2E(Play-to-Earn) game!

‘BomulPlanet’ is a P2E metaverse game that combines NFT and De-fi, and presents a new game-fi model.It is onboarded on the PIBBLE Foundation’s Metaverse P2E platform PLAYMETA.

The BomulPlanet’s voyage begins in March 2022.

‘BomulPlanet’ is a fantasy adventure simulation game in which you, living in the future planetary mining era, travel to and from space planets to mine Bomul and become rich.

Users can participate in the game through NFT on the BomulPlanet platform and earn stable De-fiand game-fi revenue at the same time.

BomulPlanet is the game which is operated on an innovative P2E metaverse platform that combines web 3.0-based blockchain, NFT, and DPI.

BomulPlanet users can receive BOMUL tokens as reward. BOMUL token has the liquidity to exchange for cryptocurrency such such as Bitcoin,Ethereum, Klay, and Pibble through DEX exchanges such as Klay Swap.

3 Ways to Get $BOMUL Coins for Free

Take BOMUL Coin Profits from DeFi & P2E Games with USD 1,500 to USD 7,000 free profit per month

BOMUL price chart: USD 8 (as of March 9, 2022)

№1 Own the BomulPlanet’s NFT

If you purchase an NFT for the BomulPlanet game, you will receive free BOMUL Coins worth USD 50 to USD 200 every day.

P2E game “BomulPlanet” website : https://playmeta.space/
Buy Opensea for “BomulPlanet” NFT : https://opensea.io/collection/bomulplanet-season1

№2 Deposit to Klayswap DeFi, a liquidity supply pool https://klayswap.com/

BOMUL Coins are created by depositing a pair of Klay & PIB / PIB & BOMUL in KlaySwap.

1)KLAY & PIB Pair deposit: KSP and BOMUL coins are airdropped. interest rate 213% (Current APR)

2) PIB& Bomul Pair deposit: BOUML Coins will be airdropped. Current annual interest rate 776%(Current APR)

№3 Deposit PIB and BOMUL Coins on the ‘BomulPlanet’ homepage: https://playmeta.space/ > MINE> Defi

Single deposit of PIB(annual interest rate 317%/Current APR), single deposit of BOMUL (49% annual interest rate/Current APR): BOMUL coins are airdropped.

P2E game “BomulPlanet” website : https://playmeta.space/

Discord : just NFT holder can be join

Opensea for “BomulPlanet” NFT : https://opensea.io/collection/bomulplanet-season1

P2E game “BomulPlanet” Docs : https://bomulplanet.gitbook.io/playmeta/bomulplanet

“BomulPlanet” Kakao : https://open.kakao.com/o/g1AW0gPd

PIBBLE Telegram Official announcement : https://t.me/pibble_official

PIBBLE foundation : https://playmeta.global



PIBBLE_AI content Hub
PIBBLE_AI content Hub

Written by PIBBLE_AI content Hub

PIBBLE 2.0, the hub of AI, will be created where you can first experience all AIs that are commercialized.

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